
My name is Karolina.
I grew up in a Catholic family. I went to church every Sunday and was raised with a belief that doing good works and attending church is enough to be a child of God. My father's alcohol addiction made me a very insecure and anxious child. The older I got, the lonelier I feel felt.
When I was 18 I started drinking myself to feel free. But the emptiness in my heart kept growing and I became depressed. I got anorexia and ended up on the road . In 2004 I moved to the Netherlands in search of a new start. I couldn't find it which made me think about suicide.
During that period I learned I my man, we got married and together we started looking for help. I met people who possessed a joy that I did not know. We went to an evangelical church and I heard about Jesus and His love. But I was too proud to let Him into my heart. I considered myself a good person, I didn't harm anyone and went to church on Sundays. Wasn't this enough to go to heaven?
Despite my eating disorder, I got pregnant. My fear of the unborn child was unbearable. I decided to seek God and went back to the evangelical church. Miraculously, the pregnancy went perfectly and I gave birth to a healthy boy. My joy and relief was so great that in the hospital I asked Jesus to come into my heart and make me a new person.
Reading the Bible made it clear to me that I am a sinner in need of forgiveness. I had to be born again to be a child of God. Only Jesus could heal my soul with His love and forgive me of my past. When I realized that and confessed my sins I received rest and peace! The void in my heart was gone and I was no longer lonely!
My life has changed diametrically! I am cured of depression and anorexia. And I experience God's presence in my heart and life. After all these years of darkness, Jesus has set me free and given me another chance. He also wants to help you start over. Give your heart to Jesus!