pastor's blog
Wonen of thuis voelen
Sommige mensen wonen wel ergens, maar voelen zich niet altijd thuis. Zo kun je als christen wel in de kerk komen, maar zit de kerk niet in jou. En kan God in jou wonen, maar Zich niet altijd thuis voelen. Jezus Christus kwam om in ons te wonen en Zich thuis te voelen bij ons.
Efeziërs 3:17
opdat Christus door het geloof in uw harten woning make. Geworteld en gegrond in de liefde
De rode loper uitrollen
Je zou -als het ware- de rode loper uit moeten rollen voor Jezus. Hij kwam naar de aarde om ons de kans te geven om gered en bevrijd te worden van onze zonde. Zodat wij verlossing kunnen ervaren in ons leven en dat wij open en blij Gods plan voor ons leven kunnen vinden en uitwerken. Jezus kwam ook om Zijn kerk te stichten en in handen te geven aan Zijn discipelen, zodat zij de goede boodschap weer verder konden brengen over deze wereld.
De Heilige Geest woont in ons.
In Efeziërs 3:17 lezen we dat Paulus voor de gelovigen bidt dat ze gesterkt mogen worden naar de inwendige mens, zodat Jezus (door middel van de Heilige Geest) door het in praktijk brengen van het geloof; in hun harten woont. Op zichzelf zit hier geen woord Chinees bij. Het is super duidelijk. En tóch zitten we met een vraag. Want: moest Jezus nog in het hart van de gelovigen te Efeze komen wonen? Dat deed hij toch allang?
Efeziërs 1:13
In Hem zijt ook gij, nadat gij het woord der waarheid, het evangelie uwer behoudenis, hebt gehoord ; in Hem zijt gij, toen gij gelovig werdt, ook verzegeld met de Heilige Geest der belofte,
In Efeziërs1:13 lezen we dat zij, toen ze gelovig geworden waren, verzegeld waren met de Heilige Geest. Dat houdt ook in dat de Heilige Geest in hen kwam wonen.
Efeziërs 4:30
En bedroeft de heilige Geest Gods niet, door wie gij verzegeld zijt tegen de dag der verlossing.
Hier werden de gelovigen te Efeze opgeroepen om de Heilige Geest niet te bedroeven en Paulus zegt dat ze door de Heilige Geest verzegeld zijn.
Romeinen 8:9-10
Gij daarentegen zijt niet in het vlees, maar in de Geest, althans, indien de Geest Gods in u woont. Indien iemand echter de Geest van Christus niet heeft, die behoort Hem niet toe. Indien Christus in u is, dan is wel het lichaam dood vanwege de zonde, maar de geest is leven vanwege de gerechtigheid.
Aan de andere kant zegt Paulus dit. Dat als iemand de Geest van God niet in zich heeft wonen, hij Christus niet toebehoort en dus geen gelovige is.
Efeziërs 1:1
Paulus, door de wil van God een apostel van Christus Jezus, aan de heiligen en gelovigen in Christus Jezus, die te Efeze zijn
Als de Heilige Geest nog niet woonde in de harten van de gelovigen te Efeze, dan had Paulus ze nooit kunnen aanschrijven als heiligen en getrouwen in Christus Jezus. Maar hoe zit het dan met ”het wonen” zoals in
Efeziërs 3: 17 omschreven staat?
Geef de Heilige Geest de ruimte
De meest aannemelijke verklaring is dat de Heilige Geest in onze harten woonruimte krijgt bij onze wedergeboorte. Maar dan moeten we Hem niet verwijzen naar een klein logeerkamertje van ons hart.
[NBV] Efeziërs 3:17
zodat door uw geloof Christus kan gaan wonen in uw hart, en u geworteld en gegrondvest blijft in de liefde.
Maar ook is het de vraag of de sfeer in ons hart zo is; dat de Heilige Geest er zich thuis voelt. Dat is een indringende vraag die wij ons als Christen regelmatig moeten stellen. Met andere woorden: dat we niet zelf alle (of bijna alle) ruimte in ons hart 'inpikken' voor onze hobbies en bezigheden, voor wat wij belangrijk vinden voor onszelf. Om van verkeerde wensen, mensen en invloeden maar niet te spreken. De Heilige Geest kan niet vullen, wat al gevuld is.
Dit constateren is één ding, er wat aan te doen is een tweede. Maar dat is wel nodig! Aan de slag dus!
Mattheus 1:23
Zie, de maagd zal zwanger worden en een zoon baren, en men zal Hem de naam Immanuel geven, hetgeen betekent: God met ons.
Da’s de betekenis van kerst, dat God met jou is, in jou is, persoonlijk.
De manier waarop wij kerst vieren geeft een voorbeeld af aan de wereld.
In China is Kerstmis door de jaren heen ook een groot evenement geworden. Straten zijn rood gekleurd, ze hangen versieringen op, wisselen cadeautjes uit, sturen kaarten, zingen kerstliedjes, versieren bomen, serveren speciale seizoensgebonden lekkernijen en maken veel ophef over Rudolph, Frosty en de Kerstman zelf. Hun kerstman is soms gekleed als een Chinese krijger zoals in het Terracotta leger. Het is erg belangrijk voor alleenstaanden in China om een date te hebben voor een romantisch diner rond kerst. En om redenen die niet kunnen worden vastgesteld, is een grote kersttraditie het bijwonen van een concert van de negende symfonie van Beethoven. Bach’s Weihnachtsoratorium moet nog ontdekt worden. Het enige wat de meeste Chinezen niet doen met Kerstmis is Jezus Christus eren. Dat komt omdat Chinezen meestal boeddhistisch zijn. Slechts een klein gedeelte van de Chinese bevolking is echt wedergeboren christen.
De zendeling
Een zendeling in China werd ooit gevraagd of Kerstmis de verjaardag van de Kerstman was. Dus waar denk je dat ze deze commerciële versie van Kerstmis vandaan hebben? Van onze Westerse praktijken. Ze voelen zich aangetrokken tot de glitter en romantiek van de Westerse versie van Kerstmis en hebben bijna alles overgenomen,
behalve de echte betekenis van kerst. Deze zendeling vertelde hun dat een kerst zonder Jezus geen kerst is.
Deze zendeling liep met Kerstmis door de straten van de stad Dongguan in de provincie Guangdong. Net als in Nederland is kerst-inkopen doen een groot commercieel succes daar. De zendeling stopte een jong stelletje op de stoep en vroeg: "Wat is de betekenis van Kerstmis?". Vriendelijk lachend antwoordde ze: "We weten het niet. Is dat de dag dat die Jezus stierf?
Wat betekent jouw kerst?
Jezus Christus is dood voor sommige mensen. Jezus maakt geen deel uit van hun kerst. Het is gewoon een of ander vakantieseizoen voor hen en niets meer. Het zijn de attributen en de schatten. Het is het feesten, en de wijn die erbij komt kijken, en de cadeautjes, maar het is niet de Kerst van Jezus Christus, die hun Redder & Verlosser zou kunnen zijn!
Jezus leeft!
Mattheus 1:23
Zie, de maagd zal zwanger worden en een zoon baren, en men zal Hem de naam Immanuel geven, hetgeen betekent: God met ons.
De naam Immanuel verklaart de aanwezigheid van God bij Zijn - geschapen en geliefde – mensen.
Stel jezelf de vraag: “Is God ook met mij?”. Als je kerst kan vieren met de zekerheid dat Jezus in jouw leven leeft, dan is dat pas Kerst.
Controledrang in coronacrisis
Macht werkt verslavend. Daarom zien we controledrang in de coronacrisis. Stel jezelf de vraag: Wie of wat geef jij macht over jouw leven?
1 Korinthiërs. 2:6
Toch spreken wij wijsheid bij hen, die daarvoor rijp zijn, een wijsheid echter niet van deze eeuw, noch van de beheersers dezer eeuw, wier macht teniet gaat.
De agenda die allang bestaat
De duivel en zijn geestelijke machten hebben een agenda van controle. Dat is een agenda die al heel lang bestaat in de geestelijke wereld. Een macht van controle die (ook) tot uiting komt in deze coronacrisis. De agenda van controle zie je bijbels in de hof van Eden (en ook in de hof van Ede) maar ook bij het gebruik van drugs en medicijnen. De vijand wil vrijheid beloven maar ondertussen verleidt en misleidt hij. Bij het gebruik van bepaalde drugs en/of medicijnen voel je je bijvoorbeeld even vrij maar daarachter zit een agenda van controle, wat mensen tot een slaaf maakt. Hoe meer ze het nemen des te meer ze verslaafd raken en onder de controle van de duivel komen. Dat is een agenda die al heel lang bestaat.
Controle en Macht
We leven in een wereld waarin we steeds meer dingen willen controleren. We hebben ook het idee dat we als mensen dingen onder controle hebben. Natuurlijk is het goed om de dingen te doen die we kunnen doen, maar het leven is niet maakbaar en deze maatschappij is niet maakbaar. De overheid heeft dingen opgelegd die best wel ingrijpen binnen de privésfeer van mensen en in de vrijheid van mensen. Vergeleken met andere landen valt dat in Nederland nog wel mee. Vooral in de communistische landen weet de overheid altijd waar je bent.
Marcus 10:44-45
Maar wie groot wil worden onder u, zal uw dienaar zijn; en wie onder u de eerste wil zijn,
zal aller slaaf zijn. Want ook de Zoon des mensen is niet gekomen om Zich te laten dienen,
maar om te dienen en zijn leven te geven als losprijs voor velen.
Als christenen zijn we geroepen om anders om te gaan met macht. Wees een ieders dienaar, zegt Jezus.
Jezus wist dat al 2000 jaar geleden.
Op sommige plekken in Amerika zie je dat gouverneurs vanuit een bepaalde machtspositie hebben besloten dat kerken dicht moeten maar dat bijvoorbeeld casino's open blijven. Hun eigen vrijheid verandert niet maar die van anderen wel. De armen worden steeds armer en de rijken rijker. Grote bedrijven als Amazone, Facebook en Twitter hebben in het afgelopen jaar hun winst met tientallen procenten zien stijgen, terwijl het midden- en kleinbedrijf kapot gaat. Het middengebied verdwijnt waardoor je straks een grote groep arme mensen hebt en een kleine groep rijken die de controle hebben. Dat is iets om voor te waken. Eén van de gevolgen van de maatregelen vandaag de dag is dat er veel mensen in de bijstand terecht komen vanuit dat midden. Dus wijsheid is geboden bij de beleidsmakers. We moeten ons hier bewust van zijn maar het is niet om bang van te worden. We moeten niet doemdenken, want angst is een slechte raadgever. Maar het is wel goed om met wijsheid te kijken, te bidden voor de overheid én ons er bewust van te zijn dat God zal voorzien en dat Hij voor ons zorgt.
Believing is not always believing
Few people believe anything religious at all. All religions have the characteristic that man must do something to satisfy the deity or deities. If you want to achieve eternal bliss - whatever one may understand by that - then you have to do something for it yourself.
To believe is to be saved
The Christian faith differs from all other religions on one characteristic point. It points to One Who has done everything for us that we might be happy, saved, and set free forever. That Person is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who came to earth to save people from eternal destruction. Salvation consists in confessing to God, 'I am a sinner, I have done evil things. However, I believe that Jesus Christ wanted to suffer the penalty for those wrong deeds on the cross.
It is teeming with “believers”
Unfortunately, we distinguish all kinds of groups among those who call themselves Christians. It is also teeming with “believers”. In many of those groups, however, the principle of Christianity - salvation by faith in the Savior Jesus Christ - has been mixed with the principle of salvation by works. The Christian faith states: faith saves or saves, and works prove whether faith is real. The corrupted Christian faith states: Faith plus works save.
Ephesians 2:8-10
For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God; not of works, lest any man boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
Christians do good works to be saved. But; do good works, because they are saved. Do we believe in Jesus Christ, but do we also expect our salvation from our Christian works? Then that is not the real, Biblical faith! Then that is not really entrusting yourself to Jesus Christ as your Savior and Deliverer for time and eternity!
Yet I also mean something else. When Jesus Christ was on earth, many people believed in Him as the promised Savior. We read from them the following:
John 2:23-25
And while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover feast, many believed on his name, seeing his signs which he did; but Jesus himself did not entrust himself to them, because he knew them all, and because it was not necessary for him that anyone should testify of man; for He Himself knew what was in man.
So there was something wrong with the faith of these Jews. It was not a real faith of the heart, but more of an intellectual conviction. “That man from Nazareth must have been the Messiah, for He did such marvelous signs.”
So believing is not always "believing"
Today there are Christians who believe in the same way. What they believe is, for example, they have been taught with a spoon. It must be so, because the Bible is a fantastic book after all. The existence of the Jewish people is such a great sign. They also believe that your works will not bring you to faith. It seems fine and yet there is something wrong with their faith. For they have never come to Christ with real conviction of their lost, sinful condition, and have never entrusted themselves solely to Him for their salvation.
Perhaps you are such a Christian. Then it applies to you that believing and believing is not always "believing". Then really come to Jesus Christ, accept Him as your Lord, Saviour, Redeemer and Deliverer. Then you have the real saving faith because then you possess the Savior yourself.
Shine without a veil
A veil is intended to cover something, such as a bride covering her face for her husband-to-be. He who has a veil over his heart cannot understand certain things. As soon as you let God remove the veil, you will shine.
2 Corinthians 3:16-18
But every time someone turns to the Lord, the covering is taken off. The Lord
now is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. And all of us, who with countenance no more veil, reflect the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, for by the Lord who is Spirit.
Remove the veil
Every person has a veil, a covering, on his or her heart, through which spiritual things about God and His plan of salvation can not be understood. Verse 16 says that whenever anyone turns to God, this
veil is removed. Then new insight comes through which you can begin to understand spiritual things.
Repentance gives freedom
Verse 17 explains that if a person asks forgiveness for his or her sins, asks Jesus in the heart and turns to God by making the choice to be born again, that person
actually points to the Holy Spirit of God. After all, it is the Holy Spirit who convicts people of sin (John 16:8). The Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ and Vicar on earth (John 14:16-17). After “real” repentance and conversion, the new birth ensures that people are convinced by God's Spirit.
By the Spirit they are born again (spiritually), and then there is freedom! A freedom to serve Him because we no longer need to be slaves to sin (Galatians 5:1)
Jesus in us, let us shine
When you are born again, you no longer need to have a veil over your heart. Then you can be free to serve God. Then you are able to experience God personally. No man has ever seen God, but through Jesus Christ we may “really” know Him (John 1:18). The Holy Spirit then starts something new in our lives, he changes us, making us more and more like Jesus. How? Verse 18 says that we are changed to the magnificence of that image (of God). In other translations it says: 'from glory to glory'. In other words: we are going to shine more and more.
Let Jesus remove the veil from your heart. It brings freedom and changes your life.
Shine for Him.
The Good Shepherd & The Good Sheep
Sheep know the voice of the shepherd
Jesus lived it and said it.
John 10:14
'I am the good shepherd. I know my sheep and my sheep know me.'
In John 10 we see the chapter of The Good Shepherd. God's people are His flock. And His sheep must be divinely cared for. ( Psalm 100:3 – Acts 20:28 )
The protection of the herd
The flock has to watch out for strangers, thieves and mercenaries. Jesus is the Good Shepherd who knows his sheep and talks and eats and lives with them. He protects the sheep. He gives His life for the sheep. They are His, so He is not like a mercenary who - when it comes down to it - abandons the lost sheep.
When someone entrusts his life to The Good Shepherd, He takes that person out of the wrong sheepfold and brings them into the right flock. He goes before the sheep and leads them with His Word and He leads them in and out, to learn to find spiritual food.
There are many churches and congregations, but there is only 'one flock, one shepherd'. Jesus wants to use His sheep to bring and keep the 'other sheep' closer to Him.
In the flock of the Good Shepherd
Why does Jesus compare His people to sheep?
Because they tend to wander and need a shepherd to lead them. ( Isa.53:6 )
Sheep are clean animals (1 Peter 2:25; 2 Peter 2:20-22 ) and were used for sacrifices ( Rom. 8:36;12:1 ). Sheep can only survive in flocks ( Acts 4:32 ) and are useful because they provide milk, lambs and
produce wool. The Good Shepherd knows his sheep and calls them by their names. He wants to protect them and He wants to take care of them, if given the chance. ( Psalm.23 )
The title of the chapter on The Good Shepherd appeals to everyone. It says something about Him, but also something about us.
Do you want to become a sheep?
The good shepherd is a shepherd. His job is full-time focused on his sheep. We know the image of shepherds watching over their sheep even at night. Likewise, Jesus is focused on his sheep. And if a sheep goes astray, He will not rest until He finds it again. He only wants the best for His sheep.
Everyone wants to have such a shepherd, but do you want to be a sheep?
Sheep seek rest, safety, protection. They surrender to the shepherd's mercy. They are not cocky or stubborn like goats. They don't know the shepherd's voice, sheep do.
Because the good shepherd knows his sheep, they become acquainted with him. Jesus knows you. He calls you. He calls his own sheep by name. Do you ever hear that voice in your own conscience? The good shepherd's sheep are led out by him, Jesus says. They need no fence, but rely on His voice blindly. Within each of us lives a longing for such a shepherd, such a leader, such a Father. I can already see in my prayer how He takes you on His shoulders!
The Value of Liberation
When young people want to live together, this is usually not the result of hours of Bible study. Often they see a house, but have no money to get married. It's practical. The same applies to the elderly with themes such as cremation or burial. Many people go to the Church of the Savior without being redeemed themselves. Everyone is just messing around. People celebrate Liberation Day without being liberated themselves. They have differing opinions without asking, "What does the Bible say about it?"
John 8:32
and thou shalt understand the truth, and the truth shall set thee free.
Liberation Day didn't set "everyone" free
It is part of the zeitgeist that Christians are going in all directions when it comes to forming opinions. Sunday filling, relationships, handling money. There was a time when everything was fixed, but that is no longer the case. Often, many of the topics we deal with are poorly thought out. Most people just follow their surroundings. It would be liberating if people would use the Bible more. That people go back to the source of liberation and ask themselves: 'What exactly does God's Word say'?
Luke 1:68
Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, for he hath looked after his people and brought them redemption
Liberation is choosing the way with God
1 Corinthians 1:30
But of Him it is that you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us from God:
wisdom, justice, sanctification and redemption
Ephesians 1:7
And in him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins,
according to the riches of his grace.
We are not our own. We are His. This seems better balanced to me than messing around a bit on your own. Too often you now see that we are not led by the Word of God, but if we are led by it, then we become stronger, also in our testimony. So let's sharpen and refine each other. God asks for our whole life. No lame animals were sacrificed in the Bible either. Let your life be a God willing sacrifice in everything. And let the Word of God guide you all your life. Then every day will be a Liberation Day.
Hebrews 1:1-2
In many ways and in many ways God has spoken to the ancestors in the past
by the prophets, but now the time is running out hath he spoken to us through his Son,
whom he has appointed as sole heir and through whom he created the world.
Saving Private Ryan
God has a right to us, as people who go back to His will and His person every time. That reminds me of the movie Saving Private Ryan . In that film, eight soldiers give their lives to save Ryan. At the end of the film, Captain Miller talks to Ryan. He says, "Earn it." In other words: 'make sure you're worthy that these people didn't die in vain'. That is a good example for me. At the end Ryan is old and looking back on his life. He wondered, 'Have I been worthy of others dying for my life?' That's the question Christians should ask themselves.
Converted to faith: if Jesus gave His life and you make a mess of it, then that is very poignant. What then did He die for? On the other hand, there is much blessing if you simply follow the way of Jesus - the One who gave His life for you.
Colossians 1:13-14
He has delivered us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,
in whom we have redemption, the remission of sins.
I wish everyone blessed Liberation Days, the rest of your life.
To vaccinate or not to vaccinate?
This is a dangerous question. What would Jesus have recommended? I hope that question will come in.
The question of what Jesus would advise then seems like whether Calvin would vote for SGP, whether Augustine would be in front of an organ in church, and whether David would accept a rock band with evangelical lyrics today.
A true Christian is a follower of Christ, like Paul and Peter.
1 Corinthians 11:1
Be imitators of mine, as I also imitate Christ.
1 Peter 2:21
For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for you and left you an example,
that you might follow in his steps;
If you skip the redemption, you are not ready for the imitation. What Jesus did, He did before us, as an Example for us. But more importantly, He did it for us, as a Substitute.
Can you say you know what Jesus would do?
It could be dangerous, by the way, if you think that Jesus Christ lived a different life than the rest of what the Bible reveals. Of course, what Jesus said was no different from what the prophets and apostles taught!
A difficult question
Christians have very different views on vaccination. It turns out not to be easy to know how God speaks about it, or thus what Jesus would have advised. This is also because it is a new issue.
Marriage, assistance to the poor, contact with your parents – these were just as important in the 1930s as they are now. But vaccination is fairly new. In the biblical time of Jesus there was no medical science, and He Himself was able to heal people. How can we get advice from such a different time for now? Yet we must ask this question. And that's exactly what I feel like an answer. We are people of the 21st century, and we are trapped in it, it seems. Worrying about health is timeless. But in other centuries people realized more deeply how fragile that health is. Medical science has given us the impression that we can solve (almost) everything. As a result, we look directly to medical science for help.
What Jesus has done for us is so huge!
The physical and psychological health of His neighbor was very important to Him, He gave His time and attention and His life and His Holy Spirit to it. He was there for everyone, absolutely! Yet that was not an end in itself. His miracles were a sign of His divine power.
Mark 2:10-12
But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins; He said to the paralytic, 2:11 I say to you, Arise, take up your mattress, and go to your house. 2:12 And he arose, and immediately took up his mattress, and went out before all eyes, so that they were all astonished and glorified God, saying, We have never seen such a thing as this!
Physical healing was an illustration of soul healing.
John 9:39
And Jesus said, I have come into this world for judgment, that those who do not see may see, and those who see become blind.
In His sermons, Jesus constantly taught that our spiritual well-being is a priority.
Matthew 10:28
And do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul; rather fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
We all have to die, sooner or later, but will we have eternal life and peace with God?
All life is worthy of protection, but at the bottom only living with God is worth living. Living with God, that's what He called for. Being born again, being and staying. Trust in Him, with heart and soul. Do we really believe what He says, that the Heavenly Father has even counted all the hairs of our head (Matt. 10)? That He who takes care of the grass and the birds will surely take care of all His children (Matt. 6)? How, then, can a Christian be anxious as long as he is not vaccinated? Or refuse a vaccine just out of fear of potentially harmful side effects?
What would Jesus do? to love! Do we have to have a clear opinion about vaccination?
This is not to say that we should not think about social aspects. It seems to me in line with the biblical teaching of Jesus and the prophets and the apostles, to be critical of the power of the pharmaceutical/medical industry.
Luke 8:43
And a woman who had been suffering from an issue of blood for twelve years and could not be healed by anyone.
And also on the selfishness surrounding the vaccinations. Everyone wants priority. Once again, Europe is giving Africa the check (apart from the question of whether Africa has been helped with this aid). Today, health is nothing but idolatry, with vaccination functioning as the new messiah.
Psalms 20:8
They sink and fall, but we rise and stand.
Jesus called to serve and trust God alone.
Matthew 6:24
No man can serve two masters, for he will either hate the one and love the other, or cling to the one and despise the other;
Jesus called for trust in God's answer.
Matthew 6:32-34
For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all this. 6:33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. 6:34 Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have its own anxieties; each day has enough of its own evil.
A confronting question
- Do we really live with hope for eternity?
- Do we really live with faith in God's providence?
- Do we really care about our neighbor?
That stuck with me after the question: What would Jesus have recommended?
If there was anything in the life of Jesus Christ as Savior and Redeemer, it was His transcendent love. Every second of His life He meant the glory of His Father and the well-being of lost people.
What would Jesus do? to love! The priest and the Levite must have had a Biblical view, but they didn't have time for a roadside victim. We write about vaccination, we talk, we watch movies, we rely on Dr. Google. How much time do we steal from God and our neighbour? I don't mean we shouldn't think about it. But the answer to the question is not our first problem. Attention to the question often betrays our real problem. Also mine. You hear more and more stories of lonely young people walking around with thoughts about suicide. Right now the church should have its doors open and keep it open. Right now, the Church can show the generation of the future what it means to be and remain followers of Jesus Christ.
There is one vaccination that everyone is guaranteed to need, and that is to let Jesus in as soon as possible.
A half trained dog
Today we all see edited photos and videos on all the media around us, of people wanting to buy or borrow dogs, only to be outside after the curfew time. I wonder what happens to those dogs after curfew.
The "Night Clock Syndrome"
Over the years I have had a number of dogs. Like most people, I planned to train my dogs until they behaved perfectly, until they could compete with a police dog and perform just as well. I've made good progress for a while. I taught the dog to do his canine business outside the home instead of indoors: it only took a week or two. I taught the dog to sit, which was easy enough because all I had to do was use a treat to bribe a hungry animal. These first things were easy enough and it wasn't much of a challenge to train the dog so she was respectable half way through. After that it got much more difficult. Lie down, sit, crawl, stay off the furniture, don't stare at me when I'm eating, be calm – I gave up long before the dog got the hang of all this. In the end, like most people, I settled for a barely trained but acceptable dog. I then chose "good enough".
1 Timothy 4:7-8
Practice godliness. For the exercise of the body is of little use, but godliness is profitable for all, as it holds a promise of life, present and future.
The "Good Enough Syndrome"
People often settle for a similar 'good enough' in their own lives. Time and again I am struck by the biblical calls to perseverance in the Christian life. Of course, we must endure in the face of trials, temptations, and persecution. But that is not everything. We must also persevere in the face of inward wickedness, in the face of that discouraging indwelling sin. Few battles are more discouraging than this one, and few battles are more likely to cause us to give up.
God calls us to train ourselves to be godly. We do this by saying 'no' to sin - and coming alive in the righteousness of repentance. We put aside old patterns and habits and come alive in a new and better life with God.
A fully-educated Christian
God does not call us to revolve around our sin. God calls us to put to death our sins, and that's a matter of getting trained and staying trained. God assures us that we can do this with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. But so often we stop this process of change shortly afterwards. We train ourselves for a while, but then get tired when those last remnants of sin refuse to die, or when we realize that sin has much deeper and stronger roots than we expected.
We eventually become semi-educated, “good enough Christians”. Yet God calls us to persevere in the battle, to train ourselves thoroughly and completely, to fight for holiness and godliness, from the moment of conversion. We answer this call only if we are persistent.
Christmas is: making way for Jesus
Jesus Christ was born at the time of King Herod. Herod was a very cruel ruler. Not only because of the infanticides in Bethlehem, but also because of the murder of his own children, and the cruel punishments he inflicted on his enemies.
Herod is a picture of worldly domination.
Herod's rule, as well as the Roman rule at that time, has a spiritual significance. So did the people of Israel when they were enslaved in Egypt under the kingdom of Pharaoh.
Egypt and their Pharaoh is a picture of the sinful world around us. They were all under the rule of Pharaoh.
Just as in the days of Jesus' birth, there are now two kingdoms.
1. a worldly kingdom
2. a heavenly kingdom
Ask yourself this question: “Which kingdom do you live in? I?"
God's purpose was (and still is) to set people free. To free people who were (and are) under the yoke of slavery. Check with yourself what habits and addictions there are that keep you and/or others around you in mental and/or physical captivity.
God sent a Saviour.
In the Old Testament when the people of Israel lived in bondage in Egypt, they cried out to God. And God brought them a savior (Moses) who brought them out of Egypt (Exodus). For it is not possible to remain in Pharaoh's kingdom, for there you cannot experience and/or serve God.
Whoever believes in Jesus Christ is delivered from the worldly ruler. Then you are, as it were, transferred from one kingdom to another.
When we look at the Christmas story, we literally see humanity's rejection of Jesus Christ.
Luke 2:7
and she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger,
because there was no room for them in the inn.
Jesus came to this dark world but most people rejected Him.
Ask yourself this question: What am I doing?
John 1:11
He came to his own, and his own received him not.
Christmas is making room for Jesus.
When Jesus was born, there was no room for him in the inn. Today it is no different. Jesus stands at the door of your heart and knocks, but is usually not let in.
Would you have made room for Him if you had been an innkeeper then?
By the way, have you ever made room for Him?
John 3:18-21
He who believes in Him is not condemned; whoever does not believe is already condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. This is the judgment, that light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, for their works were evil. For whosoever committeth evil hateth the light, and cometh not to the light, lest his deeds be revealed; but whoever does the truth goes to the light, that his works may be shown to be wrought in God.
John 1:12
But as many as received Him, to them He gave power to become children of God,
those who believe on his name;
This text is actually what Christmas means. Accept Jesus as your Savior and Redeemer.
Christmas is: making way for Jesus and keep Him inside.
Were Old Testament Believers Saved?
I recently got a good question: were the Old Testament believers saved by Jesus? And the answer is: YES!
Jesus' death on the cross deserved eternal salvation for all believers, whether they lived before or after Him.
Obedience or sacrifices
Believers in the Old Testament were not saved by being obedient to the law of God. The Bible teaches this very clearly.
Romans 3:20
Therefore to him no mortal is innocent because he observes the law,
for it is the law that teaches us to know sin.
We're not good enough to deserve heaven. That is true for us today, and it was also true for Old Testament believers. Also, Old Testament believers were not saved by animal sacrifice.
Hebrews 10:4
for it is impossible that the blood of bulls or goats should take away sins.
Instead, the Old Testament sacrifices pointed to the one sacrifice that Jesus was going to make on the cross to bring eternal salvation.
Only by faith
Like New Testament believers, Old Testament believers were justified by grace through faith. About Abraham we read:
Genesis 15:6
And he believed in the Lord, and He imputed it to him as righteousness.
He was not saved by good works, but by his faith. His faith to trust in the God who created heaven and earth, his faith to trust in God's promises, and through his willingness to live by God's commandments. Those commandments are in every human heart.
The Messiah, The Liberator, The Redeemer
The most important of God's promises was the promise of the Messiah. Many prophecies in the Old Testament pointed to the Messiah. It is difficult to know to what extent and how this was understood by Old Testament believers. Yet there was certainly a joyful expectation of God's salvation through the Messiah. And even a prophetic understanding of it. Jesus said to the Jews:
John 8:56
Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day, and he saw it and rejoiced.
The eternal salvation that Jesus brought is therefore not only for the New Testament believers. Are, for us redemptive, death is clearly described here:
Hebrews 9:15 am
And therefore he is the mediator of a new covenant, that, having undergone death, to be delivered from the transgressions under the first covenant, those who are called might receive the promise of the eternal inheritance.
In other words, “death…for the expiation of the transgressions that were under the first covenant.”
God's omniscience
How is it possible that people's sins were forgiven on the basis of Jesus' sacrifice, if they died before that sacrifice took place? That's because God knows everything. There is an eternal aspect of salvation.
Revelation 13:8
And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, every one whose name is not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
God speaks of the people who worship the beast. It says, "whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." God ordained that Jesus' sacrifice was the way they could be saved. And he applied the reward of that sacrifice to all believers, whether they lived before or after the time of Jesus.
Are you a saved believer?
Of course for you or not you the most important question: whether the Old Testament believers were saved through Jesus,
but: are you saved by Jesus?
John 3:3
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except one be born again,
he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Repent of your sins, be born again and trust in Him. And you will inherit eternal life and be with Him forever. Together with all believers from the Old and New Testaments.
The key to everything
The visible need of people
The internet is flooded with advertisements, promotions and information that give people the 'key' to just about everything. There are YouTube videos abounding with people giving the 'key' pledge to your financial security and promise to control your future if you follow their plan. All you have to do is enroll yourself in this class or institution, or the countless online courses and guides available and attractively packaged. For the record, this is not an outright disapproval of all these things. It's just to show how people need and look for keys in life.
What if there really was a 'key' would exist for all solutions?
Keep reading to discover for free that that one old dusty book is one of the most precious treasures anyone can have. Paul - his son in faith - reminded Timothy of this fact:
2 Timothy 3:16
Every scripture is inspired by God and can be used to teach, to rebut errors and mistakes, and to educate for a virtuous life
In other words, there is nothing like the written Word of God to show you the way to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Every part of Scripture is breathed by God and helpful in some way to show us the truth, expose our rebellion, correct our mistakes, train us to live God's way. Through the Word we are composed and formed for the tasks that God has for us.
Where and how can I get this key to everything to get?
One way is by looking at a conversation Jesus had with two men walking the seven-mile route from Jerusalem to the village of Emmaus. These men were defeated, discouraged and felt hopeless. For them, Jesus of Nazareth, whom they had hoped would redeem Israel, has been executed by the religious leaders and the Romans. They faced an uncertain future. This occupied their minds so much that when the risen Jesus passed by and walked with them, their own eyes could not recognize Him. Jesus quickly assessed their condition by saying:
Luke 24:25-26
Then he said to them, 'Have you so little understanding and so slow of understanding that you do not believe in all that the prophets have said? Didn't the messiah have to go through all that suffering to enter his glory?'
Jesus had to begin the process of reconstructing their understanding of how the Messiah would actually deliver people from their sins and bondage. The Jews could not imagine a crucified Savior, which is a picture of ultimate weakness. Yet that was actually exactly what was "needed" to bring the gift of salvation and power to people, both Jew and Gentile. Then He went on to conduct one of the greatest Bible studies throughout history. I would have loved to have been there. He began with Moses and all the prophets, he explained to them what was said about Himself in all Scripture.” Two things are crucial here. Yes, we are extremely blessed with the New Testament revelation from God. But that does not deny or make the Old Testament any less important. Jesus went on the Old Testament (that was all they had at the time) and showed them everything the Scriptures said about him.
This is the point not to be missed.
If you want the Bible understanding then the main key is: Jesus Z eleven . The Bible is not just a religious textbook, it is a revelation from God Himself. The key' to the whole Bible is Jesus. He appears in all 66 books. By looking to Him and trusting Him, you hold the master key to the Biblical message and purpose for your life.
Just a sample here:
In Genesis He is the seed of the woman. In Exodus, He is the Passover (Lamb). In Deuteronomy He is the prophet. In Nehemiah, He is the Builder of our broken lives. In Psalms He is the Lord our Shepherd. In Isaiah He is the Prince of Peace. In Jonah He is the great foreign missionary. In Malachi, He is the Son of Righteousness and Healing. There is so much more! In Matthew, He is the Messiah that was promised. In Lukas He is the Son of Man. In John He is the Word, the Son of God. In Romans He is our Justifier. In Ephesians He is the Christ of inscrutable riches. In Thessalonians, He is our soon-coming King. In Philemon, He is the friend who stays closer than a brother. In John He is love. In Revelation He is King of kings and Lord of lords.
If you want to own are that master key to everything in your life, I would advise you to respond to Jesus' invitation: "Come to Me."
If you do, get ready so that your life will take on a whole new meaning!
Think about your future
You only live once.
John 14:6
Jesus said to him: I am the way and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.
Wanting to hear a great real truth.
A great real truth always affects one's whole life. You may find yourself going your own way for many years in a certain rut. Then 'by accident' you come across something, a Bible text, a sentence in a book or a thought spoken by someone else, or a truthful testimony from someone, so that you are no longer the same from that moment on. And that also completely changes the purpose of your life.
That's how it was with Hudson Taylor
While he was leafing through the books on his father's bookshelf without any purpose, he came across the expression, "The finished work of Christ" seemingly by accident.
The truth of this expression gripped him: If Jesus Christ had already finished the work, there was nothing left for him but to trust completely in Him!
Count von Zinzendorf fared the same
As a young man he once stood in front of a painting depicting Jesus hanging on the cross. Under the painting were written the following words: 'Behold, this have I done for you'. This made von Zinzendorf internally broken. He accepted Jesus as his Savior and Redeemer. When he looked one more time at the Crucified One, his eyes fell on another sentence below the painting: "What have you done for me?" Moved by the question, he gave his entire life to God. Today his name is still widely known in connection with the Moravian Mission Movement.
Dwight L. Moody had a similar experience
After an evangelistic campaign in England, he bade farewell to Henry Varley, a well-known English preacher, who gave him these parting words: "Mr. Moody, the world should really see what God can do with a person who completely surrenders to Him." . Moody couldn't get rid of these words, they were haunting him. These parting words influenced his entire life and we know Moody as someone through whom God has done great things.
Millions of others around the world, known or unknown, could tell such a story. Carefree they lived on until they suddenly discovered for themselves a great real truth, which became the content of their lives.
John 8:32
and thou shalt understand the truth, and the truth shall set thee free.
God spoke to them.
This great real truth set their hearts and lives on fire, and they were completely changed. Such a great vision was able to act as a motivator for these people throughout the rest of their lives. Thus all those human lives made 'history for God'. But why shouldn't something like this happen to us? God's truth is not time-bound, but eternal. The same experiences in other people's lives that completely changed their lives can also save us from living "average" lives. With us too, God's truths are able to guarantee 'success' (the Bible calls it 'blessing'!) for time and eternity. If only we were willing!
You must be willing to face such a great real truth honestly and sincerely.
Moreover, being willing to answer to it. Because being willing to act on these truths and apply them in our future life requires 100% dedication. Everything depends on that. Think about the following questions:
Am I willing to follow Jesus as Lord?
Am I willing to let God speak to me?
Will I obey Him without question and objection?
Are there still things in my life that I wouldn't give up for Him?
John 3:21
but whoever does the truth goes to the light, that his works may be shown to be wrought in God.
Think about your future: you only live once!
Personal Interaction with God
Are you a “Manna Christian” or a “Quack Christian”?
Psalm 78:24
He rained down on them manna for food , and gave them corn of heaven ;
John 6:31
Our fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat.
John 6:49-50
Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died; this is the bread which comes down from heaven , that whoever eats of it may not die.
how and where do you receive something from God?
Numbers 11:30-32
Then Moses withdrew to the camp , accompanied by the elders of Israel. Then a wind arose, sent from the Lord; he brought quails from the sea and scattered them over the camp , so that they were a day's journey round about the camp on all sides, about two cubits high above the ground. Then the people arose all day and all night and all the next day, and gathered the quails he that had least gathered ten homers, and they spread them wide round about the camp .
It is vital to have or have a personal relationship get with God.
In the Greek original text you come across the word: (σχίσμα) “Schism”, which means: to split, to cleave, to tear off, to split.
We see in the Christian world a problem that people look for a church that suits them. But man must look for a church that suits God. One of the main causes of church abandonment is that churchgoers do not learn that in addition to going to church there must also be personal association with God.
In the mentioned scriptures we see two kinds of food that came in two different ways. When Moses was on his way to the Promised Land with the people of Israel, there were two kinds of food: manna and quail . The quail fell in the camp, where believers stayed together. The camp is an image of God's church. But for the manna, everyone had to leave the camp.
People need to learn that there is a big difference between Religion & Relationship. A relationship has everything to do with your personal relationship with God. If there is n't , you only live off church attendance. That's what the Bible calls manna eaters. To church and leave again, and there is no more devotion no permanent relationship. A relationship has everything to do with your personal relationship with God. If there is, then you live in the church hall. Be involved in prayer meetings, church activities, evangelism, ministry and so on. That's what the Bible calls quail-eaters. Quail-eaters never have a mental ailment.
The danger of getting a dead faith comes if you're just a manna Christian and don't learn to be a quack Christian too. The first and great commandment is, " Thou shalt love the Lord thy God ." What is that supposed to show if we don't even have an hour a day for Him? It is first necessary that the word be sown and is going to germinate. As the Israelites also in the day of Joshua and Caleb had to set their foot - in faith - on the land before God gave it to them (Jos. 1:3). Likewise, in the days of Jesus, people had to first receive the Word, and then be born again, recovery and to receive healing.
It is vital to have a personal relationship to have with God and to develop that association in a personal relationship.
The Trustworthiness of the Bible
There is no book as reliable as the New Testament. And yet we have copies of copies of copies.
In history there is often an enormous time between the moment a book is written and the creation of the first manuscript. Aristotle wrote his biography in 300 BC. The first copy we have is from 200 years after Christ. That's 500 years apart. Homer's book of Iliad was written 800 BC. The first booklet we have is from 200 na Christ. A thousand years difference. The first copy of Julius Caesar's Gallic War, is Written 55 BC, dates to AD 700. With every old book that we have, and what's famous, there's a mega difference between the first writing and the first copy. On average 800 to 1000 years.
The New Testament and especially the four Gospels are between 60 and 80 AD written. The first piece was already there 125 AD. What we see in ancient books, we say: it's all right. We pin all our resources on it and it actually happened. This while there is a thousand years difference between them. With the New Testament it is only 60 years difference! The difference between the moment they were writing and the first piece of papyrus we have is so small that nothing of myth-making could ever take place in the meantime. There is no book that has been handed down as well as the New Testament.
The Reliability of Having : Eyewitnesses
Critics can still ask themselves: Didn't Matthew, Mark, Luke and John make it up? Didn't they make up the resurrection out of disappointment, because Jesus died and it was over? Science says it's right. He was there, He lived, He had disciples, He performed miracles and He was crucified. And there are hundreds, if not thousands, of people who say that He rose again and was with them 40 more days before He “sailed” into heaven. The question is, when Jesus rose from the dead in AD 33, did His disciples make it up out of disappointment? know , that the time between the actual event and the moment of writing is extremely short. Marcus started writing already in the year 60. Then the people who had experienced it all were still alive. Those evangelists started writing because they thought: we are ear and eye witnesses and will die one day. Who remembers the story of Jesus? That's why they started writing. Critics say they have glorified Jesus. They have made Him greater than He is.
However, myth-making is not possible, because when the evangelists started writing, the eye and ear witnesses were still alive. Paul also uses this argument in his letter to Corinth. Paul says sixteen years after the death of Jesus: check the facts. Drive to Jerusalem. He says that Jesus has risen. Check it out. Five hundred men saw him in one day and most of them are still alive. From the book of Acts you can already see how reliable the Gospel of Luke is. Luke checked all the names mentioned in Acts: name, year, tetrarch, the cities, the drachmas (currency), the wind at Cyprus, the sand plain at Malta. It is all described in Acts. 84 of those facts are in Acts. That has all been investigated and all 84 are correct. They are all correct. So Lucas was someone who wrote everything down with incredible precision. The book of Acts is very accurate, it all made sense.
The Reliability of Having : Internal Evidence
When Jesus died His disciples were distraught, fled, denied, betrayed and afraid that they too would be crucified. Their Lord has failed, they have followed the wrong one. The disciples and their church sat together in fear with the doors and windows shut. Logically, we would be too. But...what happens a few days later? The same men stand in Jerusalem bearing witness to the risen Lord with boldness and are no longer afraid of anything. Peter has to go to jail, he doesn't care. What could have happened now? The only explanation is that they saw the risen Lord in whom they were so disappointed. Otherwise there can be no explanation for the fact that these depressed and anxious men testify so enthusiastically some time later in Jerusalem.
The fact that the women are mentioned as the first to see Jesus after the resurrection is also an important argument. A woman did not count in those days, one would never believe that. Matthew and Mark thought: 'I don't do it, I don't write it down'. They knew that people wouldn't believe it. Yet they wrote it down. They were women at the grave. The women are the first evangelists of the new gospel. This is a very important argument for the truth. They would have loved not to write it down, but they were the facts. They had to write down what actually happened. They had to stick to the facts or else they would be corrected by eyewitnesses.
Suppose they made up the resurrection: would someone die for a lie they made up themselves? The disciples would never die for a self-invented lie. Suppose they made it up, the resurrection. Most of them were martyred. Would someone die for a lie he invented himself? That people die for a lie they don't know is a lie which can. But would someone die for a lie of his own making? Imagine, they sit together and say: 'we are going to make fake news and announce that Jesus has risen'. You can keep that up for a while. But the moment those Romans start torturing you for a story that you know you made up yourself, you say, 'It wasn't, we made it up'.
Then there's the evidence of the empty tomb
If that tomb hadn't been empty when the rumor went through Jerusalem that He is risen, it would have been simple for the Romans. They could have simply said: 'Come on guys, come and see, He's still there. It's not true'. The disciples have taken him away, they said. You can maintain such a set-up or fake news for a while, but not if the Romans start torturing you. It is not a made up story . They sometimes had to write it down against their own will. It's a story they knew eyewitnesses could check. It's true. Jesus has truly risen.
New Testament science says this is true: "He is risen indeed." A shift can be observed in science in this area. In the 1970s, there was a trend in New Testament scholarship to take everything in the New Testament with a grain of salt. That's how I was raised. In the 40 years since, there has been a huge turnaround that now, to my amazement, New Testament science internationally keeps this story. New Testament science says 'like it or not, it's true '. He has truly risen. It is the basis, to truly believe, by looking “up”. When doubt or temptation pounces on you—as we all do from time to time—you need this story every now and then.
The Contractions
Today the whole world is only busy developing apocalyptic fears.
And indeed, we are in labor. It is a fact that after contractions there will always be a birth.
Matthew 24:3-8
When He was seated on the Mount of Olives, His disciples came to Him alone and said, Tell us, when shall this be, and what is the sign of your coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you! For many shall come in my name, saying, I am the Christ, and they shall deceive many. You will also hear of wars and rumors of wars. Take heed, be not troubled; for that must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be famines and earthquakes now here and there. But all that is the beginning of labor pains.
Jesus Christ's Special Answer
After Jesus Christ shared with His Disciples about “the end times” they asked three concrete questions:
1. When will these things happen?
2. What is the sign of Your return?
3. What is the sign of the end of the world?
He tells them to watch out for wars, earthquakes, and contagious diseases (Luke 21:11). They are not the end, but the beginning of the contractions. Jesus consciously chooses to give us this image as well. That means that times are coming that will be even more intense.
The reference to a heavily pregnant woman
Anyone who has experienced childbirth up close knows that a woman is not so much focused on the contractions as on the child being born! So Jesus does not use this image to frighten us but to make us happy about what is to come.
Looking forward to the future
1. On the one hand, working out God's plan for our lives.
2. On the other hand: the certainty of eternal life.
With Jesus in your heart and with Jesus as the guideline in your life, as a born-again Christian you are wonderfully blessed that you can focus on the truth of God's Word.
As you listen to the news and see the tensions and troubles in the world today, remember the warnings Jesus gave.
- Do not be deceived (vs.4). There will be those who will make great claims and promises, and will deceive many. You have the Word of God to enlighten you and the Holy Spirit to teach you.
- Do not be discouraged (v.6). Political turmoil and natural disasters have always existed in world history, so don't let that upset you. They are “the beginning of the pangs” (v.8).
The difficulties in the world are pregnant with possibilities, but God is still on the throne!
Matthew 24:14
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come.
The lost world around us needs to hear the gospel, so get to work.
Discpelship as echo
Acts 16:10
When HE had seen this vision, WE would immediately leave for Macedonia, because WE like US on makeup that God had called on the people that preach the gospel.
Discipleship in the biblical “Acts way” is always fruitful. You can't lie to an echo.
He always repeats the truth.
Habakkuk 2:11
For the stone cries out from the wall, and the beam answers it from the timbers.
You must receive God's vision as His echo.
In Acts we see Jesus' echo carry over to His disciples and the church. In 2 Kings 4:25-37 we saw the same echo also pass from Elijah to Elisha. Elisa had a perfect teacher/pastor with Elijah. Gehazi had that same teacher/pastor in Elisha. Gehazi was always close to Elijah to pick up that anointing, but didn't. Gehazi did not have such a strong desire to possess and pass on Elijah's anointing. The problem of the people of Israel was that the process of discipleship and the process of transfer stopped at Gehazi. Elisha had taken up the mantle of his predecessor Elijah. Elisa wanted the best and highest possible from God. That's why he doubles was part of Elijah's lving Sat, spirit and vision. This is one of the reasons Jesus came to plant a church. It was about His church His vision of discipleship and pass around.
The purpose of Discipleship is to transmit and maintain God's vision.
An echo always brings something super clear about it. You shout something and you get the same answer back. The only problem with echo is that it fades away slowly. If we as Christians want to produce a spiritually fruitful echo, we must first make noise or noise, in other words, send a message. In addition, we have need something capable to reflect our sound. In other words: what is capable to pick up our sound.
Two main things are involved to produce an echo:
1. The transmitter
2. The recipient
The sender
The transmitter must make noise, do something, give message, otherwise it will never work. The clearer the message is delivered, the clearer the echo will be. Which means: the clearer the direction and guidance of God's vision is conveyed, the more clearly the disciples and the church can talk about it bring to the next generation of Christians and around the world.
Isaiah 18:3
All the inhabitants of the world and inhabitants of the earth, when they lift up the banner on the mountains, you will see it, and when the trumpet is blown, you will hear it.
Isaiah 58:1
Cry aloud, do not hold back, lift up your voice like a trumpet, and make known to my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.
Jesus gave and still gives clear messages and His signals worked and still work like a wave.
His messages, commands and wave signals have already influenced, touched, saved, baptized, filled, fulfilled, discipled, recovered, challenged and healed.
Matthew 28:19-20
Go therefore, make disciples of all nations, and baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, and teach them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
Jesus was the channel and Are disciples the receivers and that echo can we still hear today, see and experience.
2 Timothy 2:2
and what thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, commit it to trusted men, who shall be able to instruct others also.
The receiver
Now it's our turn. God is able to reach and save all of Ede and its surroundings. God is even able to give you and to use me for that. We, Jesus' followers, must become the same kind of transmitters, to carry out exactly the same calling. This is how the Gospel should be spread. Repeating that call -of that echo- is vital. Two essential elements are needed to produce a “spiritual echo”: the sender and the receiver.
The sender is someone who brings a clear message. The receiver is someone who grasps that vision and transmits in the same way. God's message must be repeated turn into; every time again. It must be sent and received become, because otherwise God's echo dies out. That is why God has made men and need women, couples and disciples who have great value have for God's Vision: To see souls saved everywhere we go.
serve God and To come into God's plan for your life is to advance God's Echo.
God's happiness in marriage
Genesis 2:24
Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother, and cleave to his wife, and they shall be one flesh.
In an English translation you will find the words: leave - cleave - weave.
In this text God shows three seeing things that will bring real happiness to a marriage.
1. Leave behind: a man will leave his father and his mother...
2. Adhere / Adhere: and adhere to his wife...
3. Entangle: they shall be one flesh.
Leaving it behind
A man will leave his father and his mother...
This text in Genesis is spoken by God's Spirit in the Old Testament, and repeated by Jesus Christ himself in the New Testament in Matthew 19:5, and also emphasized by Paul in Ephesians 5:31. This verse is the Foundation Text in a marriage. From this text we can learn that marriage was designed by God!
If every man and woman these three fundamental priorities in marriage in their lives, then every marriage with God is going to be a success.
at first institution would the man's financial dependence and physical dependence on his father and mother to leave when he gets married. God means by this kind of letting go is: that NOTHING on earth is more important and NOTHING on earth is more valuable to a man; then are marital relationship with his wife. Because that's it first fundamental priority of marriage: to be each other's best friend to be.
the sticking
...adhere to his wife...
The word 'stick' means to hold on to something, to stay close to something and stay connected to it. The King James Translation (KJV) puts it this way: 'he shall cleave unto his wife' . The same word becomes used in the Bible, among others, in 2 Kings 5:27 to describe leprosy that clings to the body. In Job 19:20 the following description is given: the skin that clings to bones. In Ezekiel 29:4 it describes scales growing on a fish. They are all, as it were, merged as one.
The meaning of the English word 'cleave' is clearer how God uses it in the Old Testament as 'cleave to'. The Hebrew word for "cleave" is "dabaq". Deuteronomy chapter 10 and 11 speaks of: “hanging to God”.
Deuteronomy 10:20
You shall fear the Lord your God, you shall serve Him, cleave to Him, and swear by His name.
Deuteronomy 11:22
For if you diligently keep all this commandment which I command you today, you will love the Lord your God, and go in all his ways, and cleave to him.
Which means to have a sincere devotion - with all your heart - to God and your marriage.
the entanglement
…they shall be one flesh…
In other words, they weave themselves into each other's lives, into everything. And that is a process and not a one-time event. 'one meat' does not happen because the preacher says, 'I now pronounce you husband and wife.' ' One flesh' does not happen because the legal documents signed to be. ' One flesh' also does not happen somewhere in a hotel room, no, it's a lifelong process. god So the plan for marriage is for two to become one. That is much more than sharing the same house, money, food or bed. It is two people who give themselves to each other and weave their lives together.
Do not love but sweet to give
There are four sayings that hold any marriage together:
4. I was wrong.
3. I'm sorry.
2. Forgive me.
1. I love you.
Getting a successful marriage is not about finding the right partner, but being the right one yourself.
Happiness in marriage always works if you stay close to the Maker of marriage: God.
Whose side are you on?
The Lazarus(es) of this time
The story of Lazarus in this corona time: Jesus looks at each Lazarus with deep compassion.
Jesus, the creator of Lazarus, moves to the here and now of the lockdown. You can imagine: His sorrow, His anger against all death threats, His desire to free people from this dark time. His compassion should give us wings of hope, for a time after corona, a future in which the one and a half meter society will be a thing of the past.
In the Bible (John 11:1-44) there was someone sick, dying. His name is Lazarus. His name means: God has helped. But God didn't help at all. Lazarus died and disappeared into the realm of the dead. There is a dead silence behind his tombstone. "Jesus, why couldn't you prevent that?" the people shouted angrily. Yes, there is a story that it ended differently. A story about the anger and sorrow of Jesus. A story about standing up and new life, but who still believes such a thing?
Lazarus was not alone. This spring he became me and you. He became us, all of humanity, locked up in quarantine and sick to death, distressed and fearful, resigned and desperate. Now that the streets are empty, there is a dead silence in our cities. Buildings stare at us with hollow eyes, front doors remain hermetically closed. Lazarus shuns Lazarus, the sick shun the healthy, the healthy shun the sick. Danger lurks everywhere, in the store, on the bus, with the neighbors, with friends, even in the hospital and in the church. Death is everywhere. Is there a cure for the fear of Lazarus? Nobody has an answer.
Now people shout the same as then: 'Jesus, why couldn't you prevent this? We, Lazarus, we die, we can't live like this!' It is silent, eerily silent. Only some prayers are heard every now and then. Those prayers do something to Jesus, it touches Him deeply. He sees the dead in the morgues, wrapped up like lepers. He sees the insulation clothing in the intensive care units (ICs), hears the stuffiness in the beds. He feels the fear and panic, he sees the viruses in their bodies. He is annoyed, the tears for souls flow down His cheeks, he becomes furious. 'Let the ICs drain! Open your doors, come out of your deadness!' He shouts. The people look at him in shock. Who dares to do something like this with all that risk of contamination?! And by the way, isn't it too late already? But Jesus radiates unimaginable faith in God when he looks death in the eyes in the houses and on the ICs and speaks sternly.
Then the unbelievable happens. The front doors open carefully, first one, then several. People venture outside without masks. They see their neighbors, their friends, their grandchildren for the first time in a long time. They run to them and close everyone in their arms crying. Then the hospital doors open, first one, then several. The ICs are empty. almost dead patients suddenly become walking patients. Blinking in the sunlight, the doctors still stand like living mummies next to the sick, who for the first time stare in full consciousness at their tubes and snakes.
Jesus looks at each Lazarus with deep compassion.
'Untie everything, become a free person!' He shouts.
No one can wait anymore. The IC clothing falls to the floor next to the hoses and tubes. Everyone looks at each other in utter amazement, until each Lazarus begins to cheer: 'It's over, God has helped, it's over!
Thank God, I'm alive…we're alive again!'
Israel: whose land is it?
For centuries there has been a worldwide battle over taking possession of the small strip of land between Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea: the small country we know as Israel. This country is descended from far before our era. In ancient times, Jews and Romans fought for it, then the Byzantines and Muslims, later the Crusaders and Mamluks, then the Turks and Britons, and today the Palestinians and Israelites.
This issue becomes even more special when we realize that it concerns an area that is smaller than the Netherlands. It is a country without mineral resources, such as oil in Arabia and gold and diamonds in Africa. Moreover, the land of Israel consists of 60% desert. Yet it is called ' The Holy Land '. What, then, is so desirable about Israel? Why is the whole world busy with that little piece of land? When we delve into the Bible, the answer is simple: because Israel is the Holy Land. Israel is the land that God has promised and has given to the descendants of Abraham and therefore also to the people of Israel. But is there more than that?
Joshua 21:43
Thus the Lord gave to Israel given all the land, which he swore to give to their fathers; they took possession of it and dwelt there.
The interesting thing is that in Hebrew it actually says that God only lent it to the Israelites. This means that the land of Israel still belongs to God Himself. Thus God has retained His own veto power.
If we go back to the reason why the land is called 'holy', we find that in the Bible the word 'kodesh' is used for holy, which is secluded and means set apart. Why? Because God makes His holy name dwell there. In the Hebrew language, there are two words used for Israel: Eretz Yisrael, which means promise, and Medinath Yisrael, which means unity. Yet the country has always been divided. Because we now know that Eretz Yisrael, in other words The Promise, is in reality God's property, we can trust that God will not let anyone take His land away from Him. Whether foreign powers or Israeli opposing politicians. God says that what others have done to Israel will come down on their own heads.
Joel 3:1-2
For behold, in those days and at that time, when I shall bring again the lot of Judah and of Jerusalem, 3:2 I will gather all the nations, and bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and I will go there with them in the to judge for my people and for my inheritance Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, while they divided my land
Joel 3:4
But if thou wilt repay Me...then I will send the recompense upon thine own head.
Remember that God judges all nations according to their attitude towards Israel. The world has pride against God's will. But in Proverbs, the Bible says that pride before the fall comes.
Proverbs 16:18
Haughtiness precedes misery, pride precedes the fall.
Finally: the promise of the land.
Genesis 13:14-17
And the Lord said unto Abram, after Lot had parted from him, Raise, I pray thee, thy eyes, and look from the place where thou art north, south, east, and west, 13:15 For all the land which thou seest, I will give thee and thy seed for ever. 13:16 And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth: that if any man could number the dust of the earth, thy seed also might be numbered. 13:17 Arise, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I will give it to you.
God repeats the promise when He makes a covenant with Abram in Genesis 15. In Genesis 17, God's covenant is mentioned again in connection with Eretz Israel. God has made an everlasting covenant with Abraham and his descendants. The promise of The land is unbreakable connected with God's covenant.
Genesis 28:14
And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt break forth (into) (multitude,) westward and eastward, and northward and southward; and in thee, and in thy seed all families of the earth shall be blessed.
But what does this passage of text mean to us? What the King James Version and the King James Version (KJV) say refer to Jesus Christ: He is that seed. If you become or are a born-again Christian, then you also belong to that seed.
Israel itself has the guarantee of God that it shall never again be divided or wiped out from the face of the earth for God Himself has said in the prophecy of Amos 9, which is for the end times:
Amos 9:15
Then will I plant them in their ground, and they shall no more be plucked up from the ground which I have given them, saith the Lord your God.
The Jews have been expelled from their promised land many times before, but God promises that He will no longer expel them from Israel. With these words God Himself guarantees the eternal existence of Israel, in the land of their ancestors. For after all, it is God's land and He gives it to whom He will give it. That He gave it to the Jewish people is evident from Amos' prophecy about Israel. The KJV says: saith the Lord thy God and in Hebrew it says: you God. the word you indicates who owns the land. Therefore, we born-again Christians can also be confident that God Himself watches over His country and over us as well.