Local church with world vision!
We are a local church of small size but part of a greater whole just as Jesus Christ describes His own Church and Body. We are a of the 64 churches in the Netherlands and are part of the 2700 churches spread over 146 countries. Our vision consists of evangelism, discipleship and church planting. The heartbeat of our Church members is repentance, water baptism, the Holy Ghost, and a witnessing lifestyle.

Pastor Wayman and Nelda Mitchell
Wayman and Nelda Mitchell were married for 63 years, until her death in 2016. Neither of them had had a religious upbringing, but both had experienced a powerful moment of conversion in their twenties. After answering the call to preach, they took charge of a number of churches in Canada, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon, and California.
In 1970 they went to Prescott, Arizona, United States to take over a small, struggling church community. Shortly after arriving, God rescued some hippies and they welcomed them into their church. God started a great work with many converts and tremendous growth that grew out of the “Jesus Movement” that started in the 1970's. God revealed His plan for discipleship and the Mitchells began planting churches in the United States and in other countries as well. The Mitchells have three had missionary ministries in Australia to speed up God's work there.
Pastor Mitchell traveled until early 2020 around the world and preaches at many Potter's House conferences, rallies, leadership meetings, discipleship classes and healing campaigns. Through all these activities, he transferred his passion and vision for God to many others 70 years of service experience. He passed away on September 21, 2020, leaving behind a special and life-changing movement. Pastor Greg & Lisa Mitchell are the leaders (from Prescott) of the worldwide fellowship.

Pastor Frans and Diana Smits
Frans and Diana Smits have been the pastors of Evangelie Gemeente De Deur Ede since 2015.
Both disbelieved until they both separately conversion came in De Deur church in Den Bosch in the year 1994. After answering the call to preach, they began in 1999 a new De Deur church in Tilburg.
After an adventure with God they took in 2002 a De Deur church in Maastricht. This felt like they were going abroad for God. But this really took off when Frans and Diana Smits were asked in 2009 to take over a brand new De Deur church in Dongguan, China. There they gained a lot of experience with God and people. This new church was only eight people in size. after six years this church had grown to 100+ people. During those years they also founded four new churches there through the principle of Discipleship.
After living the life of a missionary for six years, Frans and Diana Smits were asked to take over De Deur church in Ede. Because of everything they have experienced in their walk with God, they know how great their God is. They are known for their meek openness to people and their strong stand for God.
She and the church in Ede welcome you like!

Semi-annual meetings in the IJsselhallen
Every six months, in February and in August, the Zwolle church organizes a conference
for "De Deur" churches in the Netherlands and other European countries. also be broadcast
people and local pastors invited from other countries who support our Dutch churches
are switched. People from outside our churches are of course also very welcome!
Pioneers are also sent out during these conferences to plant churches in
The Netherlands and missionaries to plant churches abroad.
Thursday evening is always an International evening with a film about World Evangelization
and notices about married couples going abroad.
Monday to Friday, starting at 9:00 a.m. morning shifts and 7 p.m. evening shifts.
Thursday evening starting at 6:00 PM.
Our churches believe in the great commission that Jesus gave in Mark 16:15: And He said:
to them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
In obedience to this command, we train disciples in our local churches and send
those who experience a calling from God on their lives out to other cities and countries
to preach the gospel and plant churches there.
In addition to this work, we also support projects such as a school in Trujillo Peru, which is
of our church was renovated.
Our mother church in Zwolle currently supports missionaries and local pastors in South Africa,
China, Peru, Suriname, Czech Republic, Cape Verde, Indonesia, Portugal and Croatia.
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