Evangelie Gemeente De Deur Ede
Christian Fellowship Ministries Pursues the Calling Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:19-20 gives to His followers: to go out into the world, preach the gospel, make disciples, baptize them in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
This is the heartbeat of our fellowship and this is what you will experience through our services. Our services are not just moments of worship but aim to refuel our church members so they can be who they want to be: a witness for Christ.
Dedicated to the Great
Commission of Christ
Are you older than 12 and younger than 19,
then you are most welcome!
Together with peers we watch
a little deeper in the Bible.
After the short study we play games
and we eat delicious snacks.
You absolutely do not want to miss this!
Dit jaar staat centraal: 'The Remnant'
Dit woord vertaald betekent dit: 'het overblijfsel'. Remnant representeert de jongeren die
kiezen om voor God te leven in een gevallen wereld.
Door middel van Bijbelstudies (Remnant Night's), dagactiviteiten (Remnant Days) en speciale activiteiten zoals tienerrally's, leren we hoe je tegen de stroming in de berg op kan klimmen om een relatie met God te beginnen, te bouwen, te onderhouden en te verdiepen en daarbij elkaar en anderen te inspireren om Jezus te volgen.
Bekijk de agenda!

One 80
Saturday evening 20:00 in the church
Get to know God through live music, movies and drama.
One week we enjoy concerts from hip-hop to rock, the next we watch a movie with a Christian message.
Check the agenda for the next activity!

Phone: +316 14 10 19 08
Gospel Church The Door Ede
Account number: NL46 ABNA 0430 957 637