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The main reason we come together is because Christians need each other. The Bible says in Corinthians 12 that the church is the body of Jesus Christ and that every Christian is a part of the body. In addition, God finds it very important that we, Christians, come together. Hebrews 10:25 "We must not neglect our own gathering, as some do, but exhort one another." We come together to hear preaching, in other words to hear God's Word and Truth. Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Our services start with a singing service where songs are sung to the accompaniment of various musical instruments. As Psalm 150:1-5 describes, God is very fond of music and enthusiasm. This is why we sing songs to exalt God.
Colossians 3:16-17 describes that praise and worship is a form of giving thanks to God and of richly confirming His Word in your heart.
Our singing service consists of songs from Christian Fellowship Ministries, Opwekking and other gospel artists.

There is a prayer meeting one hour before each service. Everyone has the opportunity to pray in our prayer room.
Also, the church is open every morning for everyone to start their day with God. This principle is reflected in the life of Jesus Christ - Mark 1:35 & Luke 5:16 'Early in the morning He arose as He used to, and went to a lonely place, and there he prayed.
Prayer Desires
During our services we pray for special needs such as those in need of salvation or healing. This principle is reflected in Acts 4, where brothers and sisters prayed for each other's needs. James 5:16 also says, "Pray for one another, for the prayer of a righteous man avails much, in that power is imparted to it."
The pastor is always available for personal prayer. During services there is also regular opportunity to come to the altar for prayer. On the basis of Mark 16:18, prayers are then made through the laying on of hands, for people who are sick or need prayer for another reason.
prayer meetings
Extra prayer

We need preaching to grow in our faith. In the preaching of our congregation, various subjects from the Bible are emphasized and translated into daily practice of life, so that these matters can be recognized and applied. Romans 10:14 speaks of 'How believe in Him of whom they have not heard? How to hear without a preacher?' This makes it clear that preaching is essential.
Ephesians 4:11-12 “And he hath given both apostles and prophets, both evangelists, and pastors, and teachers, 4:12 to equip the saints for service, for the building up of the body of Christ. Preaching is also a resource for Christians to grow. Acts 2:42 also describes that Christians grew rapidly because they persisted in the preaching of the apostles and fellowship among themselves.

After each sermon or activity we make a call to the altar so that one can respond to what God has spoken to him or her. This call consists of three parts:
for people who have never been converted; they get the opportunity to make a choice for God
for people who have left the faith; they are given the opportunity to set their hearts right again before God's throne
for Christians; they are given the opportunity to seek God after God has personally spoken to their hearts.
This principle is also Biblical. In the In the book of Acts we read in chapter 2:37-41 that one was given the opportunity to make a choice for God.
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