
My name is Andre.
I grew up in a large Reformed family. As a child I found it at home nice and cozy. Yet I grew up with fear and inferiority in my life. The religion I grew up in was based on the election. To me God was one who punished, and if you were lucky, He chose you to be His child.
Inferiority took over in my life and I actually became severely depressed. At one point I came into contact with alcohol and thought it would give me freedom. However, my drinking only caused more misery. During that period I wanted to flee from everything: I sought help, but kept falling back into my old habits.
After a great low point in my life, I met people who told me about the love of Jesus and that I could have a new life: a new birth. This is what I longed for all my life: a new life without bondage. But because of my background I had my doubts and thought: I can't make a choice for God, God has to do that, but at the same time I wanted God in my life.
Despite my fear, I fell to my knees and prayed to God for forgiveness of my sins and invited Jesus to come into my life. It was an experience that cannot be described in a pen! God came into my life, gave me immense joy and took away my doubts.
From that day on, the Bible spoke really to me. The words, which once seemed dead, became alive and real! You may also be in doubt and stuck in a particular doctrine. God wants to set you free from this, if you will take that step to accept Him into your heart. He wants nothing more than to be your Father!