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The believers who make up the church invest  voluntarily with their time and finances. Partly because of this they participate in the salvation of people and the further spread of the gospel in this world.

Stewardship means managing household effects and wealth  (Luke 12:42). Managing your wealth  requires insight that is biblically founded. Your net worth is the value of your assets minus your debts. Think of income and other material possessions such as a house, car, etc. In addition to these material things, there are also other important things such as a family and friendships that enrich a person's life.

That is why we like to invest as a church in the areas that enrich life such as faith, salvation, friendships, the family, a debt-free and blessed life. We as a church believe that Jesus Christ is the one who is able to give us a better life and that is why we are happy to invest in the spread of the gospel.

Your gift is welcome and will  be spent on  our church activities and world evangelism.

you can give  by transferring money to:

Gospel Church The Door  Ede
Account number:
  NL46 ABNA 0430 957 637

Legal form : Denomination.

Chamber of Commerce number: 5081097


Our church is classified as a “Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling” (ANBI) under tax number/RSIN: 822939149

Send  your  address details via the  Contact Form  so that you  at the end of each year an overview of your  receive gifts.  For example, all your donations are tax deductible for the income or corporate tax return.

Heartfelt  thanks for your support!

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