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My name is Arend.


I was born and raised in Schiedam.  In my daily life I am a coach driver/tour guide. During one of my bus trips, I met two special people who turned my further life journey an absolute turning point.


How many changes can a person go through in a short time  time! People who know me know that I, like many others, did not always have my life in order. Also, I couldn't always be proud of what I did.  I had my worries, sorrows and mess  by my own doing. No one, and certainly not myself, has managed to change that.


Until I  bought a Bible in my desperation. At first I didn't really know why, but when I started reading I couldn't stop.  God showed me how I could change and who I needed to do that: that was Jesus!


After I decided to surrender my life to Him and do what He says, so much happened that I couldn't understand it myself. My depressions were gone and I could  my addictions  letting go! For example, I was able to stop smoking in one go, which I had tried so many times before, but always failed on my own.


In short, I have become a different person. I'm happy. I have found peace. I am now  married to a beautiful woman and  I know that I now have a bright future ahead of me.  I definitely have a new life!


But, I will remain that Arie, not the one from 020, but who loves Feyenoord:

that won't change!


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